Kati Basti - Low Back Therapy
If you want to relieve any lower back tension, Kati Basti is for you. This specialized therapy relieves and nourishes the lower back using herbal oils or ghee. After a gentle Ayurvedic oil therapy on the lower back, specially prepared warm herbal oil is poured over the lumbo sacral area and retained inside a dam made out of dough. The hot medicated oils helps melt lower spine rigidity and strengthen your bone tissue.
Benefits of Kati Basti
Increases the circulation in the region, as the herbal oil gets deeply absorbed into the skin, and both nourishes and strengthens the muscles and nerves Pacifies one of the primary sites of Vata, relieving pain, soreness, and tension and restoring flexibility Relieves chronic lower backaches and painful muscle spasms, stiffness, and degenerative problems Kati Basti is Ayurveda’s unique treatment for musculoskeletal disorders of the spine, shoulder and joints. It provides significant relief in conditions such as sciatica, slipped and degenerative discs, back pain, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, knee problems and arthritis.
Kati Basti means bathing the lower back with medicated oil or herbal decoction. After a gentle massage of the lower back, using herbal dough, a round doughnut shaped tank is formed and medicated oil is poured into it.
Benefits : katibasti
- Relieves chronic and acute back pain
- Useful for prolapsed disc
- Balances the Vata and nourishes the intervertebral disc
- Lumbar spondylitis
- Osteoporosis and sciatica; strengthens muscles
- Revitalizes the Apana Vayu
Lower back, the root chakra and the second chakra (Muladhar and Swadhistan) are the sites of Apana Vayu (pelvic area). After the middle age Apana Vayu starts getting weaker as part of aging process. This leads to (unless properly strengthened and revitalized through proper exercise, lifestyle, and breathing techniques), many age related health problems such as spondylitis, osteoarthritis, constipation, low libido, impotency, vaginal dryness, prostate enlargement, urinary problems, menstrual problems, leg pains and cramps. Persons with weak Apana Vayu experience many psychological problems also.